
Yollarda ;) On the Road

Goncha is back in town. I enjoyed the every miles of the road trip:)
As I promised earlier the photos are below. Enjoy!

Goncha harika bir tatilden geri dondu. 4000 km hic bitmesin istedim.
Ve soz verdigim uzere iste yolda gorduklerim;)
I found a lovely spot to check my map on our way from Nice to Monaco. And the blue car is the icing on my cupcake;)

Nice-Monaco arasinda harita kontrolu;) Cupcake kremasi olarak da mavi araba...

Take a peek to see how I enjoyed the road trip;)

Araba ile seyahatin en keyifli anlarindan bir kare.

Despite the all deer aware signs on the road, we could not see any:(
Yet, we schmoozed a lot on that;)

Dikkat geyik cikabilir uyarilarina ragmen yolda bir tane geyik bile goremedik:(
Ama yeteri kadar geyik muhabbeti yaptigimizdan emin olabilirsiniz;)

Stay tuned for the upcoming travel/shopping/food tips on Spain, France and Italy...

Ispanya, Fransa ve Italya gezi/alisveris/yemek tavsiyelerim icin beklemede kalin...

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