
The Inspiration T(H)REE

Each Wednesday -on the 3rd day of week- I share 3 inspirational photos. 

Those might be the photos of food, fashion, people, art or any view from my window... 

My aim is to create an inspiration tree for the week.

Let those photos inspire us to make
- our lives more colorful,
- our week more stress-free,
- our selves more productive, happy and full of love. 

This week, the inspiration comes from my love of shoes:) 
Let`s have a look at the shoes (of different kinds) that I came across on my vacation in France. 

Let`s see the world as a big CUPCAKE;)  

1) I found my favorite Andy Warhol pop-art in Nice :)
by Andy Warhol
Diamond Dust Shoes (1980)
Collection Mamac, Nice

2) This cabinet is just for the shoe-addicts :)
It is waiting you in a small designer shop in Antibes / France.

3) I do not know to whom this caravan belongs to.
But sure they love travelling 
as well as buying flip-flops from wherever they go :)

Have a Cupcake inspired Wednesday !!!



Karavana bayildim, cok guzel akil etmisler, ama karavanla gitmediler herhalde G ve K amerika ya da : ) O mobilyalar cok sevimli cidden, Floransa merkezde bir magazada da satiliyor, simdi designer in ismi aklima gelmedi, cidden cok eglenceli parcalar yapiyor. Kiz mujdesi mailini gec gordum canim, simdi cevap yaziyorum : )

Lulu's life said...

Vay karavan ile seyahat pek bana gore degil ama bu goruntuye bayildimmmm ben.. :)) Bi suru plaj terligini oraya siralamak cok neseli olmali :P Bu arada yunanlilar sanirim :)))