
Seker gibi bir Bayram * Candy Eid

Seker gibi bir bayram gecirmeniz dilegiyle....
Sekerlerin ve cupcakelerin! en renklileri, cantalarin en coollari sizin olsun:)

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During Eid celebrations, I always feel like a kid in a candy store;)
Enjoy the Eid with colorful sugar candies or cupcakes! and coolest purses...


Vivienne Westwood leather handbag
$513 -

Jimmy choo handbag
£295 -

Suede clutch
$650 -


Pazartesi Sendromu Tedavisi / Celebrating Blue Monday

Pazartesileri yaklastiginda, hangimiz Temel Reis`in gucune sahip olmayi istemeyiz???
O zaman, cocuklugumuzdan hatira cizgi film karakterleri Temel Reis ve Safinaz bu hafta bize yol gostersin.
Ve tabiki de ispanagin mucizevi gucu..

Bugun salataniza biraz ispanak eklemeyi unutmayin. Bu arada yabanmersini ve ispanak salatada birbirine cok yakisiyor. Benden soylemesi;)

Eger ispanagin gucunu daha da artirmak istiyorsaniz, uzerinde Temel Reis ve Safinaz resimleri olan bu eglenceli kolyeyi de takabilirsiniz..

Renkli ve bol mucizeli haftalar!!!

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When Mondays arrive, are not we the ones who want to have the power of Popeye???
Then, let our childhood comic characters Popeye and Olive guide us to survive this week.
And of course, the miraculous power of spinach..

Add some spinach to your salad today. By the way, cranberries and spinach make mouth-watering combination in the plate;)

If you want to triple the power of spinach, do not forget to wear this funny Popeye and Olive necklace..

Have a colorful and miraculous week!!!

popeye and olive


Italian Feast / Italya`da Ziyafet

The main goal of our latest trip to Italy was to have long Italian feasts.
Sure, we have succeeded in that;)
Below are the captures from our feast moments in Italy...

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Son Italya tatilimizin tek amaci keyif alarak uzun uzun yemek ziyafetleri yapmakti.
Sanirim bu konuda basarili da olduk;)
Iste, tadi damagimizda kalan Italya`daki ziyafet duraklarimiz...

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1) Migone Ristorante Enoteca (Vico di San Matteo, 4, 16123 Genoa, Italy)

This is the oldest wine shop in Genoa where you can access the San Matteo Restaurant.
They serve traditional Genoese dishes and -of course- fresh fish.
It is located just across from the Church of San Matteo.

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Burasi Cenova`nin en eski sarap dukkani ve icinden San Matteo restoranina giris yapabiliyorsunuz.
Geleneksel Ceneviz mutfagi ve -tabiki de- taze balik sunuyorlar.
Restoranin yerini bulmak cok kolay, ana meydandaki San Matteo Kilisesinin tam karsisinda.

We started our feast with famous Italian olive oil. Yummy yummy;)

Biz ziyafete Italya`nin meshur zeytinyagina ekmek banarak basladik;)

Then comes calamari....

Sonra kalamar ile devam ettik...

Our main order was slow-cooked fresh fish.

Ana yemek olarak ise yavas pisirilmis taze baligi tercih ettik.

2) Panson (Piazza delle Erbe, 5 16123 Genoa, Italy)

Panson is a popular restaurant located at a lively tiny piazza in Genoa.
The restaurant dates back to 1790 and is owned by the same family throughout the generations. We loved both the food and service quality here.
The owner was a true friend of Istanbul and Galata tower (built by Genoese).
So do not forget to mention that you are from Istanbul;)

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Panson, Cenova`nin canli kucuk meydanlarindan birinde yer alan populer bir restoran.
Restoran 1790 yilindan bu yana ayni ailenin fertleri tarafindan isletiliyor. Biz hem yemekten hem de servis kalitesinden cok memnun kaldik.
Restoranin sahibi gercek bir Istanbul dostu ve Cenevizliler tarafindan yapilan Galata Kulesinden haberdar.
Eger giderseniz Istanbul`dan geldiginizi mutlaka soyleyin;)

Genoa and Liguria's famous pasta, trofie al pesto. 

Hem Liguria bolgesinin hem de Cenova`nin meshur makarnasi: trofie al pesto.

Eating seafood fettucini is a must in port city of Genoa!

Liman kenti olan Cenoa`da deniz urunlu fettucini yemek sart!

3) Cafe Specchi (Piazza dell'Unità d'Italia, 7, 34121 Trieste, Italy)

Cafe Specchi is located in the main square of Trieste.
Cafe has been serving to its guests since 1839.
We had a great and light lunch while enjoying the sun at the piazza.
No need to say more, photos will tell you the rest;) 

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Trieste`nin ana meydani uzerinde yer alan Cafe Specchi, 1839 yilindan bu yana misafirlerini agirlamaya devam ediyor.
Biz meydanda hem gunesin tadini cikardik, hem de harika ve hafif bir ogle yemegi yedik.
Fazla soze gerek yok fotograflar herseyi anlatiyor;)


Pazartesi Sendromu Tedavisi / Celebrating Blue Monday

Pazartesi Sendromunu atlatmanin en kolay yolu zamani iyi kullanabilmekten geciyor. Evde, ofiste, okulda yapilacak isler listesi uzadikca onlari tarih ve zorluk derecelerine gore kategorize etmek zor olabiliyor.

Bu hafta daha iyi organize olabilmek icin masanizda cupcakeler kadar renkli not kagitlari, takvimler bulundurun ki isleriniz tatli tatli kolayca yoluna girsin.

Yoruldugunuz anda ise hemen bir cupcake ile kan sekerinizi kontrol altina alip calismaya devam edin.

Cupcake renklerinde bir hafta olsun!

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Celebrating Blue Monday is all about time management. If you have a long to-do-list at home, at school or at the office, it gets harder to categorize them according to their difficulty level and due dates.

Start oncoming busy week with colorful office stationery such as post-its, noteholders and calendars; so you can be better organized.

And when you are tired enough, eat a cupcake to hold your blood-sugar under control; then go forward.

Have a cupcake colorful week!

Blue Monday...