
The Inspiration T(H)REE

Each Wednesday -on the 3rd day of week- I share 3 inspirational photos. 

Those might be the photos of food, fashion, people, art or any view from my window... 

My aim is to create an inspiration tree for the week.

Let those photos inspire us to make
- our lives more colorful,
- our week more stress-free,
- our selves more productive, happy and full of love. 

This week, the inspiration comes from random Cupcake moments of my Chicago trip.

Let`s see the world as a big CUPCAKE;) 

1) window display of a Chicago patisserie
Cupcakes, Macarons, little birds and fine China...
all my favorite things come together here :)

2) CHIARoScURO is one of my favorite art shops in Chicago
Their motto is `art for more than just your walls`
You can find here anything (teapots, candles, earrings and so on) in the art form
I bet it is the most colorful art shop in the windy city :)

3) Loved those Cupcake-themed pencil cases
Sure, I will use them as makeup bags :)

Have a Cupcake inspired Wednesday !!!


Lulu's life said...

Gonca'cimm sahaneymis bu haftaki ilham perilerin.. Chiaroscuro'ya bayildim resmen.. Tam benlik bir magaza.. butun gun orada kalabilirim :)) mutlu Carsamba'lar cupcake anne adayim ;)


Goncacim, ilk vitrindeki gibi bir cay saati istedim simdi, cok zarif. o rengarenk vitrindeki LOVE yastigini oglumun odasina cok yakistirdim : )

j.d. said...

Ne güzel fotoğraflar bunlar, insana enerji veriyorlar ^^

Aysun Karaalioğlu said...

ayline katılıyorum, olsa da cayla gotursek:)

Unknown said...

Sanırım ben o macaronlarla birlikte tabakları da yiyebilirm :) harikalar gerçekten cupcake ve ötesi tadında :)

modarella said...

ilk fotodaki porselenler, macaron ve cookie ler, beyaz bir masa örtüsünün üstüne tam bir masal kitabından çıkmış gibi görünür. O masada olmak istedim ben :) ikinci fotodaki love yazılı yaztık ise harika.